• Sharpe's Havoc (Bernard Cornwell), Sharpe's Tiger (Bernard Cornwell) & Sharpe's Eagle (Bernard Cornwell)

    I have been busy reading. Just before we left for our holiday I scoured the local second hand bookshop and picked up 3 more Sharpe books. I’ve been aiming for the beginning of the series and I did quite well.

    Firstly I started with Sharpe’s Tiger which (being chronologically first in the series) tells the story of private Sharpe and his first adventure – rescuing a senior officer held in a citadel. Sharpe is uncannily lucky, for not only does he rescue the officer and therefore get his promotion to sergeant, he manages to kill the Tippoo (Tippoo is like the King) and get some of his jewels.

    Then I moved onto Sharpe’s Eagle (being the first written in the series) and it tells the story of how Lieutenant Sharpe becomes Captain Sharpe at the battle of Talavera. Once again he survives against all odds as well as against enemies from within his own army. He also loses yet another women he has fallen in love with. It seems poor Sharpe is as unlucky in love as he is lucky in battle.

    Finally, Sharpe’s Havoc, which is set just before Sharpe’s Eagle as he fights through northern Portugal.

    I have loved all of these books, as much for the historical note at the end of the book as for the fiction itself. Bernard Cornwell highlights all the changes he has made to the real events and describes a little of the places as they are today.

    I also think it amazing that a series can be written in such apparent disorder yet knit together so neatly. Sharpe’s Eagle was first published in 1981, yet it almost perfectly cross references with events in Sharpe’s Havoc of 2003.

  • Warrier Class (Dale Brown)

    Another Dale Brown novel, but this time not part of the “Dreamland” series of novels. At least it doesn’t say ‘Dreamland’ on the front cover but it does have all the hi tech gadets and gizmos and the ‘dreamland’ base is used too. In these books, people can jump out of airplanes without parachutes and survive. They (the American armed forces, mostly airforce) spend their time chasing after a new stealth aircraft built by a rich Russion oil/drugs magnate. Guess who wins? You were going to say the US Air Force right? You better read it then, you see there’s this group of rebels from…. oh, better not say!

    I think I’ve prefered some of his other books over this one, but it still made for a good read.

  • Holiday time, Foray en France

    i-546af51bd098a01e3e17bfbc2dacfb10-princessnicola.jpgI write this post in EuroDisney’s Seqoia Lodge, Laptop on lap, beer on table. Ahh, Bliss!

    It’s been a good holiday so far and I’ve begun writing this on the first night of our stay in EuroDisney. WiFi is slowly covering the world, so I have been able to write this from the bar on my laptop. 10 for 2 hours is not unreasonable I think, though the man in the shop said “C’est trop cher!” (It’s very expensive, though I probably spelt the French words wrong) when I asked how much it cost. The best news – no frightening emails in my in box, no server security alerts, no RAID hard disks failed. It looks like the computers at work are behaving themselves.

    I already knew there was nothing major to worry about at work (I had to call in after a week to check my phone was working as no one had called with any questions) so it looks like the business plan is being accomplished (“Aim 1. The business should be able to run day to day without me being there”). Yes, I’m still a key person as the computer set up still isn’t perfect, but perfection (think Homer Simpson is to Donuts as Steve is to 5,000+ Uber Server) would cost lots of money and still need someone to handle our suppliers data and manipulate it into our system. For the moment, it is far better for me to run the computer system than outsource/employ someone else to do it.

    So, observations on France;
    We started in the south of France at a place called Vias Plage, booked with Homair Vacance at a campsite called “Les Flots Bleu“. The cost was great, my old French A level was sufficient to handle the fact the site manager spoke only French. Wwe were the only English people there (at least with Homair). Fortunately, there were still the camp site’s staff who spoke good English. We had looked at other companies, but Homair were by far the cheapest and I think it is because they handle mainly more local French customers. The site itself had a nice swimming pool and a small private beech but lacked any water sports provision. I had thought that we would be able to walk further along the beech to find windsurfer hire and so on, but the campsite was bordered by a river on one side and a rocky shore to the other. Still, we had fun.

    We visited Montpellier and had a wonder round the old town. Also Cap D’Agde. I always remember Cap D’Agde from a wallet some Welsh friends of our bought as a present when I was growing up. They used to go there every year. I didn’t realize it was such a new ‘resort’, built up mainly since 1970 and a mixture of large sandy beaches, mid rise (up to 4 storey) hotels, a large port and an area of private holiday homes. Just 25,000 live there in winter, 200,000 in summer! (amazing the useless facts that stick in my mind). Rhonda took the opportunity to go diving at Cap D’Agde too (just realised, I don’t think I told the world that my wife Recently passed her PADI open water divers qualification). If we ever go back I think I’d like to hire a boat for day or too, but alas we ran out of time and had to drive North to EuroDisney.

    The first part of the holiday can also be summarised by two observations:
    1) The French society have a serious smoking problem. Even teenagers were frequently smoking. It made me realise just how far Britain has come in it’s anti smoking campaigns. Even at school I never saw as many teenagers smoking as I did around the camp sites and bars of France.
    2) My French isn’t so bad, but it’s not so good. I can ask for many things automatically, ask for a table at a restaurant, order a WiFi Card even, but if the response is not quite the words I am expecting I am quickly lost. I don’t think my accent is that good either (being that a 7 year old girl corrected my pronunciation of “Anglais” from ‘onglay’ to ‘onglaze’).

    Coming to EuroDisney also changed that 2nd experience. They almost all speak very good English, so although they seem to appreciate my trying to speak in French as soon as their computer shows my name and nationality the immediately revert to a very clear English, allowing my french to get completely mixed up into a type of Franglais in replies of “Oui, yes” and so on.

    i-584264ca52b45a9ac7ab9f522b5aadef-lastmile.jpgWe almost got caught out on the way down by a lack of petrol stations. For most of the journey there were petrol stations every 50Km or so and as the Modeo says how many Km worth of fuel you have it was easy to know when to stop. Except for one section in the mountains where there were no petrol stations for 120Km or so. When we finally reached the next petrol station the dashboard told us just how close we had been.

    The holiday was a lot of fun.

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