• Redcoat (Bernard Cornwell)

    What do you get if you cross a classic Bernard Cornwell Sharpe book, the American fight for independence and a love story?

    Redcoat! A pleasant book which I found to be as much a love story as a book of action. Our hero is British soldier serving in the ranks and he falls in love with a girl who happens to be helping the American Rebels. It’s as well written as all the Sharpe books and it reveals some of the subtleties of war, like how would the rebels find out about a planned attack? I wouldn’t go looking to read love stories but I found this a very enjoyable read.

  • First ever competition for this site (and first video too)

    I know what you’re all thinking, nothing has changed here lately. I’ve been working on things in the background but today marks the first of a whole bundle of waiting posts. This post includes my site’s first ever competition as well as it’s first ever video, created using the magic of my PDA’s video camera, Quicktime Pro, Macromedia Flash Video Encoder,Macromedia Dreamweaver, One not very willing actor (James) and a 3M Snap Band….

    i-18fe714219c9bb282ad34fa15fa38af4-video.jpg I wanted the video to be here, but it needed some special code which won’t work through the movabletype software I use here (It’s a security thing, that’s good!). Follow this link to see the video

    I know what you’re going to say, “don’t give up your day job, and you won’t need to worry about being available for the Oscar ceremony…”. I know that too, but it’s been fun making it work and I’ve learnt some things too.

    Competition Bit
    I bet most of you jumped straight here wondering what you can win? Well, I’m giving away a 3M Snap Band as modelled by James in the video. They are reflective bands that will wrap around things, like James arm, a leg or a bike handle bar and so on. You can roll them flat and they will hold that position. As well as the video, you can find out all about them at www.3MBeSeen.co.uk. Now the weathers getting darker it makes sense for the children to have something reflective on them. As James is showing, they happen to be fun as well as safe. Better still, they only cost 3.00.

    Wining will be easy. During the next week a new post will appear on this site called “Enter Now to win!”. If you are the first person to comment, you win.

    Remember that comments don’t appear immediately, I have to moderate them all to stop all the spam from appearing. If you are having trouble posting a comment, send me an email instead. I’ll use the timestamp on the email to log your time of entry (that is, my server timestamp, so don’t try changing your computer clock!).
    A couple of simple rules. 1) I decide who wins, my decision is final. 2) I get to change the rules whenever I feel like it. 3) I’ll be posting the band to you if you live in the UK. If you don’t live in the UK then there’s no need to enter. 4) You can enter on behalf of someone else if you like (eg If you are in Australia but you want your prize posted to someone in the UK, that’s fine). 5)

    Now, if you’re interested in how this all came about, read on….

  • Nightfall ONE (Isaac Asimov)

    No need to go rushing out to buy this one, it’s not available any more. I found it in a second hand bookshop and bought it because I’ve enjoyed Asimov’s previous work.

    This is a collection of 5 short stories (Nightfall, Green Patches, Hostess, Breeds There a Man…?, C-Chute) written in the 1940’/1950’s and originally published in Science Fiction journals of the time, re-published in a collection in 1970. Over 60 years later and these stories are still a joy to read. I want to tell you what the stories are about, but to do that would spoil them.

    If ever I create Rootie Ratings(tm), this book will get top marks 5 times over (once for each story, they are all superb).

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