• Glasshouse (Charles Stross)

    Sometimes I feel I’m paying too much for a book. This was my thought as I handed over the 5 to the cashier in the high street bookstore (I know 5 isn’t a lot, but I usually get my books from a second hand bookshop where 2 is about the highest ticket price). One hour later, as I sat enjoying coffee in a comfy chair near Canterbury Cathedral (Rhonda went shopping, my broken foot gave me the ideal excuse to sit and wait), I knew this book was worth every penny of the 5. So much so, I’m adding Charles Stross to my mental list of authors who’s books are worth buying.

    It’s a science fiction book based upon… well, it’s quite hard to explain without giving away some of the story. There is a political factor, an all action hero in a kind of not so all action way, some exceptionally clever twists made feasible by the future setting, a love story, oodles of death and just as much re-incarnation (which is an everyday occurrence in the future apparently). I enjoyed this just as much as I enjoyed Asimov’s Foundation Series.

    Now I’m left with just one problem, then next book I spend 5+ on has an even higher standard to live up to.

  • Another Business Acronym

    i-592cd2ebb73f8f7bef0aa8171092d213-USA.gif I’ve been talking to a nice lady in America about a sink and her email was signed of “DBA…..”. I never knew that in America DBA is a common abbreviation for “Doing Business As…”, I guess the same as we use “T/A” for Trading As where the business is legally one name but uses a different trading name.

  • La classe de franais

    Back row left to right: Irene, Lynda, Michle, Brigitte, Steve
    Front row left to right: Rita, Mark, Jorge

    Michle:bonjour tout le monde!
    C’est un moment historique!
    C’est la premire fois que Michle utilise un blogue!

    Jorge:Se sour je pri une fote de la classe

    Mark:J’aime boucoup votre site

    Brigitte; je trouve cette classe trs sympa.

    Rita.Je ne comprends rien encore.

    Lyn: C’est la dernire classe et nous allons au pub

    Irene bon voyage, a bien tot…..!

    Welcome my first guest article writers for my blog.
    My French teacher discovered my blog and made me talk about it in our French lesson – in French of course. OK, I didn’t need much persuading to talk about myself! The university rooms all have computers with internet connections and projectors. I decided to get them all to write something here themselves – easy when you know how.

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