• 3001 (Arthur C. Clarke)

    3001 – The Final Odyssey.
    It may have helped if I read the previous 2 books. It may have helped more if I had seen more than snippets of the film (I only recall something about a computer called HAL that takes over). So, despite starting the series with the last book first, I loved it! 3001 is the year the book is set in. Arthur C Clarke manages to bring back a character from the first book (2001, set in 2001) in a truly believable way. The monoliths that (I guess) featured heavily in the first 2 books reveal an unexpected purpose to our thousand year old central character. The whole book is full of imagination of how our future could turn out, good things and bad. A high rootie-rating for this book, definitely worth reading (i really must get round to creating a rating system!)

  • Spam Wars – Success!

    Break out the champagne everyone, Paul O’Brien, from Intellimailer has told the Information Commissioner’s Office that they will be sending no more spam. The ICO is happy that intellimailer have been educated in the correct meaning and interpretation of the law and will send no more spam, ever.


    If you receive any spam from intellimailer, report them to the ICO (I have a contact there who has the case history, email me if you’d like the information) and please let me (and any readers) know how you get on.

    By the way, the full list of domain names they used to send spam to me has grown a bit, so here it is in full:

    (and checking whois, they’re continuing to buy domains starting intrer for some reason. Note they haven’t registered intrer13 yet, guess they’re superstitious!)

  • Spam wars update

    I bet you’re all wondering what’s happening about the intellimailer spam? Well, having ignored my requests that they stop spamming me, they are now ignoring the requests of the Information Commissioner. They did at least respond to the ICO to say they would remove my from the database, except they didnt remove me and continue to send the spam.

    The ICO has all the evidence, I’m waiting to hear from them what their next step will be – I’ll post here when I’ve heard and have time.

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