• EMC 81 Logs

    The last 3 sunday nights I have run an online gaming event (it’s called warbirds). If you played you can see how well you did by following the “read more” link, before then here are the top 10 player scores and the overall game statistics.

    Player/th> EMCs Flown Died By Count kill count Assist Count damage total Launches vlist
    gun-as 3 1 3 3 14322.51 8 Bristol-F.2b,Ju88A-4,109E1A0,40MMAAA,Bf-109G6
    olepup 3 1 3 1 300 5 Bristol-F.2b,HurricaneI,HurricaneIIC
    biffas 3 1 2 2 9 SE5A,SpitM03F,SpitVb
    oldgit 3 1 2 0 9351.13 7 FW-190A4,109E1A0,Bristol-F.2b,Ju88A-4,He-111H3
    -broz- 3 1 0 3 1201.85 10 109E1A0,Bf110C-4,Bristol-F.2b
    deeday 3 1 0 3 6 SpitM03F,SE5A,SpitVb
    lakman 3 2 5 1 12 SE5A,SpitVb,SpitM03F
    -dada- 3 2 3 4 20252.25 7 Ju87D,Bf110C-4,109E1A0,Bristol-F.2b,Ju88A-4
    -egor- 3 2 3 0 8 SpitVb,SE5A,SpitM03F
    chough 3 2 0 4 7 SpitM03F,SE5A,HurricaneIIC,HurricaneI,SpitVb

    Players per Frame

    logid COUNT(DISTINCT player)
    EMC81-1.log 67
    EMC81-2.log 71
    EMC81-3.log 80

    Count of players in EMC (over all frames analysed)

    COUNT(DISTINCT player)


  • Spam wars – I get ignored, but will they ignore the courts?

    Spam wars are about to get interesting….

    Yesterday, I started a small claims court action against a company to have them pay for the spam they’ve been sending to email addresses I run. I didn’t take this action lightly. I had asked them to stop by email, I had asked them to stop by phone, I had asked them to stop by Fax.

    In the email, I said that if they send any more I will be charging them 50 per email. When two more arrived a month later I phoned them and they claimed not to have received my email, so I told them the content and I also faxed it. They promised on the phone not to send any more, but less than 24 hours later I got 4 more. All their emails claim not to be spam because they are sent manually… seeing as most of them come in the early hours of the morning, I can give them the benefit of the doubt by guessing they keep strange working hours.

    The paperwork has gone, I’ll post information here as time allows.

  • Charlie's War (David Fiddimore)

    One of the books I’ve read that I thoroughly enjoyed was called “Tuesday’s War” by David Fiddimore. In my little write up for the blog, I said I’d like to call David a bastard because (for me at least) the story was so perfect I didn’t want it to end, I didn’t want the ending to be so unfinished and yet i loved the way it didn’t finish as I could live in hope it would continue.

    I’m sure he never reads here (does anyone) but fortunately for me he wrote a follow up! Charlie’s War continues the story with our narrator and central character Charlie being sent across Europe to find our heroine Grace.

    The detail is this story is just a good as the first (quite an achievement in my opinion) and Charlie makes new friends very different from his bomber crew comrades. He just about catches up with Grace, but this sure could do with a third novel so I can find out what happens. I don’t want to tell you any more about the story for fear of spoiling it. Little things like the people he meets and the things they say that made me stay up to “wee small hours” and beyond just to find out what happened next.

    How would I rate it? A close rootie rating of 5 out of 5. The first book was almost perfect, this book can simply be called Great!

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