• Cooking with Nanny

    Nicola enjoys cooking with Nanny Kathy. She asked if she could have her own show called “Cooking with Nanny” so I got to hold the camera while Nicola and Nanny cooked lamb and vegetables. To put it online for everyone to see (hello Auntie Sharon and Uncle Todd in Australia!) I converted it to DivX format and uploaded it to their video website “stage6“. I did look at uploading it to YouTube but they have a 10 minute limit.

  • Spam wars – they didn't reply to the court…

    The company I’ve taken to the small claims court for sending spam haven’t responded to the court. The court told me that I can now make a “Request for Judgement”. The documents they sent say they will now notify both me and the defendants “…of any steps you should take to prepare for the hearing at which the court will decide what amount you are entitled to”.

    I’m not sure how this will work, because I wanted the company to state they will comply with the PECR regulations, not just pay compensation for the time of mine they’ve taken by sending spam. I wonder what will happen if they wont agree to that?

  • Dark Space (Marianne de pierres)

    I picked this book up for two reasons; 1) It is Book 1 of “The Sentients of Orion” and I decided if there is more than one volume it can’t be too bad or the 2nd wouldn’t have been published. 2) The publisher is Orbit, they’ve published a lot of the other books I’ve read and I’ve always been happy with them.

    The story takes several different strands of life and weaves them together as a planet goes from quiet backwater to invaded warzone. By the end I started to get into the story but that was far too late for me to rate this as a book I’d read again. I think the the problem was the Italian theme. The whole society uses Italianesque words frequently and I found it hard work to understand and get into the story. At one point I considered leaving the book unfinished but I’m glad I did get to the end of it. Will I get book 2? I wont go hunting for it, but I’d read it if I had nothing else. Rootie Rating 1 out of 5 – it wasn’t for me.

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