• ruby on rails sql_type – A reminder for me

    I treated myself to a rails training course last weekend (with Well House Consultants, rather good, I’ll write about it if I get around to it). Immediately I start to create my first ruby app and I forget all the sqltypes I can use in my Model and where to look them up. As I think I’ll be looking them up quite a lot, I’ve put them here on my blog for my later reference


    Options that I can use in my migration
    I must remember to specify the decimal precision I need!
    :precision [1..63], :scale [0..30]. Otherwise Mysql Default is (10,0).

    * :limit – Requests a maximum column length. This is number of characters for :string and :text columns and number of bytes for :binary and :integer columns.
    * :default – The column’s default value. Use nil for NULL.
    * :null – Allows or disallows NULL values in the column. This option could have been named :null_allowed.
    * :precision – Specifies the precision for a :decimal column.
    * :scale – Specifies the scale for a :decimal column.

    These came from: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/ConnectionAdapters/TableDefinition.html

  • View a Multi page tiff file in windows

    I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while. Many people we send images files to don’t know how to view beyond the first page of a multi page tiff file in Windows XP (probably Vista, I haven’t tried).


    If you open a multi page tif using ‘Windows Picture and Fax viewer’ (the default unless another program you’ve installed has taken over as your preferred tiff viewer) you get an extra little drop down box at the bottom of your screen, that allows you to choose which page you’d like to view. When you go to print, you’re shown a preview of each page and can choose (by tick box) which pages you’d like to print.

    Our fax to email scanner creates these multipage tiff’s.

  • Kent Challenge Team (1994 promotional video – have I aged much?)

    An old friend on facebook asked if anyone still had the Kent Challenge Team (KCT) promotional video so Rhonda found our copy and we’ve uploaded it. Happy memories flood back 🙂

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