• Grey text on a web page not visible when printing, how to fix it

    Edit: what a rubbish title! I probably should have written:

    How to change light grey text to black when printing a web page

    Sometimes you need to print a web page and sometimes that becomes quite a challenge.  In an ideal world the designer will have foreseen you might print some pages and will add relevant settings to the site CSS styles that make things better for you.  For example, they’ll turn the light grey text into black and maybe remove the menu from the view when you print.

    However, we’re all imperfect and if that hasn’t happened it’s nice to have a way to set your own rules.  It’s not easy, but it’s doable.  We have this problem occasionally because one of our suppliers web sites has a light grey text. I struggle reading it on screen some times but when printed it’s near invisible. This is how I fix it so I can print a useful page.

    Step 0: Find the problem
    On my screen shot, it’s the light grey text below the picture of a sink. OK ish to read on screen but too light when printed. I want that text in another colour. Black is good, but I’m going to make it Red so you can see what I’ve changed.

    Step 1: Open the developer tools
    I use Google Chrome for most things. Going to ” settings > tools > developer tools ” allows us to start tweaking the page we’re viewing. Although my screen shot is taken on a Mac, the same menu exists for windows too.screen shot

    Step 2: Find the part of the page you want to tweak
    Using the elements pane (left hand green icon), work through the HTML document sections until you’ve found the section you want to change. Note that the developer tools open as a new window, I’ve put it below the page to keep it all on one screenshot.  Also the page turns blue in places as you hover over each section.  You’ll probably have to ‘open’ the sections to find the right part. On the screen shot you can see I’ve had to open the section <div id=”page”> to get to the section <div id=”content”> in order that the right part of the page is highlighted.
    screen shot

    Step 3: See the offending codeFont colour is set on a webpage by a CSS style called ‘color’. I know, it’s spelt wrong, it’s an American thing. Don’t worry about it.  Now I’ve found the right section the colour setting can be seen on the right side of the developer tools as part of a section reading:
    div#content, a {
    color: #7E7E7E;
    screen shot

    Step 4: Click the box to change the colour
    When you click on the little grey box in front of #7E7E7E, you can pick a new colour. The grey is actually the colour represented by the code #7E7E7E so your box will be different. In this case I’ve changed it a red represented by #FF0B0B and you can see the text on the page has now turned red.
    screen shot

    Step 5: Print and give yourself a pat on the back for making the computer do what you want.

    Are there other solutions? Probably, but I haven’t looked for any.  Do comment if you know some though to help other readers.
    Is there a browser plugin that will do this for me? No idea. On the one hand it wouldn’t be too difficult to make, on the other hand it isn’t that common a problem. If the site designer had thought about it they would have prevented the problem and in the majority of times I’ve gone to print things, they have.

  • Mac Timemachine backups are NOT complete

    How annoying. I’m discovering the hard way that a TimeMachine backup is NOT complete.  It’s missing things all over the system.

    Sure, it has backed up my documents and applications but so far it appears to have missed:

    • /private/etc/hosts (lost some custom DNS settings)
    • Missing symbolic links, fixed by sudo ln -sn /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.2(Thanks StackOverflow!)
    • All my ruby gems (fixed by running bundle install)

    Whilst none of these are major issues they do result in strange errors. Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension sure does make the heart jump and slow things down.  I’m still glad I bought a new hard disk though

  • Calc (Openoffice / Libreoffice) If statements using 'between' or 'and'

    It’s always annoyed me when I want to write an if statement where true is based upon more than one fact and I have to nest if statements. Today I looked at lots of other forumulas and found one that let me create an if_between effect. Like “IF a number is between 2000 and 3000 DO this ELSE that”

    First, a little background on simple if statements

    An if statement in calc is written:


    test_something has to return true or false, so we can have if we have cell A1 with value of 6, A1=6 would return true whereas A1=5 would return false and A1=”six” would return false (the written six is not the same as the number 6).

    If our test_something is true, calculate the do_if_thats_true section. If our test_something returns false, then calculate the do_if_thats_false section.

    Example; if we put this formula in cell B1

    =if(A1=6,"I see the number 6","Not 6")

    then put ‘6’ inside A1, B1 is displayed as “I see the number 6”

    if we put anything else inside A1 (‘six’,7,true,false,or even leave it empty) then B1 is displayed as “Not 6”

    Using ‘between’ or ‘and’ in our if statements

    That first example was easy. I often find myself wanting to do something more clever than that though. Here’s a real example I’ve just had to figure out for my work. We sell bedroom wardrobes and I’m creating a spreadsheet that given a particular width will work out which component parts we need to order.

    I need to order a different number of lights depending on the width of the wardrobe. My lights come in strips of 1 metre or 2 metre lengths that can plug together and be cut to fit shorter lengths.  My wardrobes can be between 1.2m and 4m long.  Therefore:

    • if my wardrobe is 2m or less I need a single 2m length of light.
    • if my wardrobe is more than 2m but less than 3m I need a 2m and a 1m length of light
    • if my wardrobe is more than 3m i need 2 x 2m lengths of light.

    I have two different product codes, let us call them ‘LIGHT1M’ and ‘LIGHT2M’ and I need my spreadsheet to tell the user how many of each code to order for any length of wardrobe the customer has.

    So I create a spreadsheet that needs to one input from the user; the Wardrobe Length. I then have a row for each component. In column B I can calculate the quantity of the components needed from the wardrobe length. I’ve also copied my forumula to column C so you can see it (it is displayed because I haven’t put the = sign in front).

    My results in column B are blue because I always colour calculated results blue so I and users know not to change the field manually.



    In B3 (the easier part) I nest two if statements. If  “length is less than or equal to 3000”, then I need a single LIGHT2M so I can output the number 1. If my length is more than 3000 I’ll move into the ‘false’ part of the if statement. Here I’ve put another if statement (and you can nest if statements quite a long way – I think I’ve had seven in a row before – but it gets confusing so sometimes it makes sense to put each statement in a separate cell calculating based on the result of another cell) and that says if my “length is more than 3000” I want to return the number 2 as my quantity to order.  If I get here and my length is less than 3000 I return error. With my code here that can never happen. However I do this because I make mistakes (frequently!). If you’d like an example of an easy mistake to make, change B3 to read “if(B3<3000…” [remove the = from the <=] and put the wardrobe width as 3000 and see what happens. If I’m writing something that should never result in false (or true), I often output a text description to tell me where the error is.

    Now the interesting bit

    There is a forumla called ‘and’ which works like this:

    =and(something_that_returns_true, something_else_that_returns_true, ...repeat other statements as you need...)

    if every ‘something_that_returns_true’ in our and statement returns true, the result is true. I don’t think there is a limit to how many statements we can include in this but I’ve not pushed it very far. If one of them returns FALSE, our result is FALSE

    In my case, I need a statement that will work as ifbetween(something), and I get the same effect by making two tests:

    • is my wardrobe greater than 2000?
    • is my wardrobe less than or equal to 3000?

    Providing both of those are true, and(…) returns true to my if statement. So if both of those are true, I can return the value 1 as I need a 1m length of light if my wardrobe is between 2m and 3m long (and I realise I’m switching units, 1 metre = 1000 mm and I’ve been using mm in my spreadsheet  – sorry if that’s confusing!). If either of those tests were false, and(…) returns false and my if statement returns 0.

    One last note:

    If statements are using True and False.  the number 1 is also the value of True and the number 0 is also the value of False. There’s nothing to stop you confusing yourself by doing something like ‘if(something_is_true,0,1)’ then setting the cell display to ‘boolean’ [menu > formatting > cells > numbers] so when the result is true you actually see the result false!

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