• Prelude to Foundation (Isaac Asimov)

    A book has a beginning and and end. A story is infinite. When a book begins certain things are accepted as happening before the part you read and as you close the last page of a book you know that as time is ever lasting the story could continue had the author so wished.

    So it is with Prelude to Foundation. I thought the Foundation series was a series of three books whose prehistory and future would never be known. It is in fact a series of many. With Prelude to Foundation I got to read about what happened before Foundation and how circumstances conspired for Hari Seldon to develop his theory and start to make it practical. A thoroughly good read.

    There was another surprise but first, these are all the books in the Foundation Series (according to the authors introduction to Prelude to Foundation).

    Prelude to Foundation
    Foundation and Empire
    Second Foundation
    Foundations Edge
    Foundation and Earth

    Hooray! now I get to read two more foundation books. I said a “series of many” books, rather than the six listed here. That’s because many of Issac Asimov’s books are set in the same universe and actually tie together, so rather than be limited to 6 books of the foundation series, the prehistory of Foundation is covered in the “Empire” series of novels and before that the “Robot” series of novels. Indeed, one of the characters from “The Naked Sun” which I read a month or so ago appears in “Prelude to Foundation”! The books before the foundation series are:

    The Complete Robot (collection of robot short stories, including the original “I, Robot” short stories from 1950)
    The Caves of Steel
    The Naked Sun
    The Robots of Dawn
    Robots and Empire (Last of the Robots Series)
    The Currents of Space (First of the Empire Series)
    The Stars, Like Dust
    Pebble in the Sky (last of the Empire Series)
    (foundation series starts)

    I can’t wait to find the other novels in the second hand bookshops – I think I have an Asimov addiction!

  • Happy Birthday to me! (30 today)

    i-67a6aeaec0e068ef717c1ed60edffd12-nan_nicola_james.JPGHappy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear me, happy birthday to me [claping, cheering, blowing out an inferno of 30 candles].

    Wow, I’m so lucky. I’m 30 and have already achieved so many of my goals that there’s little left to make me happier. Perhaps that’s because I have realistic goals and don’t mind a little hardship every now and then though.

    Do you want to know what the biggest difference of my 30th birthday was compared to previous birthdays? It was looking for a particular type of handwriting on an envelope, even though I knew this year it wouldn’t be there. My Nan died recently and I have always taken for granted seeing a birthday card from her in the morning post. Nan’s birthday was also the 18th June, so this is the first year we didn’t get to wish each other happy birthday.

    The photo is Nan in 2002 with Nicola and James. She was on holiday in Eastbourne then so we drove down to meet her.

  • Woohoo! a new uptime record for my Win XP laptop

    I just noticed my laptop was turned on 5 days and 4 hours ago (yes, it’s Friday today, and yes, I do work Sundays). Now, if only I could work for that long without a rest….


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