Category: zzz – None of the Above
A month with no posts
Well, it’s been over a month since I last posted. I guess I’ve been really busy. So here’s a quick summary of what’s been going on: 1) I turned 29 years old (on the 18th June for anyone that wants to send a card next year) 2) I fixed a bug on the layout of…
ATC – Venture Adventure!
When I was young, I was an Air Cadet. It was great being an Air Cadet. I learnt a lot about flying related things (eventually getting my own pilot’s license), first went camping and learnt how to become a little self sufficient and met a lot of nice people. Times moved on, children and work…
Annoying DVD's
Is it me, or are DVD’s getting really annoying? In the olden days of video cassette you’d put it in the machine and fast forward until the film started, ignoring all the trailers. With DVD’s it seems that the producers can force you to sit through all the trailers. May be I’m just getting old…