Category: zzz – None of the Above
If that was a small earthquake…
If that was a small earthquake, I never want to be in a big one! For just a few seconds this morning (maybe 4) the building shook in a way buildings shouldn’t shake accompanied by a low rumbling sound. It actually felt like the building lent way from me while I sat at my desk…
La classe de franais
Back row left to right: Irene, Lynda, Michle, Brigitte, Steve Front row left to right: Rita, Mark, Jorge Michle:bonjour tout le monde! C’est un moment historique! C’est la premire fois que Michle utilise un blogue! Jorge:Se sour je pri une fote de la classe Mark:J’aime boucoup votre site Brigitte; je trouve cette classe trs sympa.…