Category: Spam wars

  • A quick review of WordPress comment and trackback spam

    One down side of running a blog has got to be the amount of comment spam.  I’m going to have to put in place better systems to stop it but before then, here’s a brief unscientific analysis of the last 23 spam comments (they all get held until I approve them) and what I think…

  • Caught in my spam trap – /

    I’ve decided to start naming and shaming the people who spam me. I have an email address hidden in the code of one of my web sites. It doesn’t display to visitors but robots will read it.  To give the spammers a sporting chance, the email address is nospam@….mydomain… I then email them to ask…

  • Caught in my spam trap – /

    I’ve decided to start naming and shaming the people who spam me. I have an email address hidden in the code of one of my web sites. It doesn’t display to visitors but robots will read it.  To give the spammers a sporting chance, the email address is nospam@….mydomain… I then email them to ask…