Category: Rooties Recent Reading
The Stainless Steel Rat (Harry Harrison)
Every now and then you read a book and think “this would make a good film”. This book would make a good film. I could even place half of Hollywood’s famous actors in different parts of it. The story is sci-fi but with all the best sci-fi I have read it could easily be applied…
The Floating Madhouse (Alexander Fullerton)
A pre world war one novel of… well, little interest to me as it turned out. The ships are the early ironclads of the 1900’s and although there were sections of interesting detail the story as a whole just didn’t hold my attention. The setting was clever, a Royal Navy junior officer with Russian family…
Jennifer Morgue (Charles Stross)
Another completely surreal novel by Charles Stross, it somehow takes real world technical knowledge of mundane things like TCP/IP (that’s the protocol the internet uses to send and receives information), compares it to using carrier pigeon instead of copper wire and then uses it set up a network via demon worlds to save our realm/domain/planet/reality…