Category: Rooties Recent Reading
Imperial Earth (Arthur C Clarke)
While I am glad to have read this book, it’s not one I’d have missed reading. I’m not sure quite why I feel that way about it. It had a great deal of astonishing and logical detail of technology of the future (from ‘mining’ hydrogen gas from the atmosphere of Titan to sensor arrays to…
The Last Kingdom (Bernard Cornwell) and The Pale Horseman (Bernard Cornwell)
Two books this time. I bought them as a pair for 3.73 in a supermarket just before we went on holiday. Other than the price and the fear of having nothing to read whilst away, I chose these because I recognised the authors name. He wrote the Sharpe series of novels which have been turned…
Prelude to Foundation (Isaac Asimov)
A book has a beginning and and end. A story is infinite. When a book begins certain things are accepted as happening before the part you read and as you close the last page of a book you know that as time is ever lasting the story could continue had the author so wished. So…