Category: Root Observations

  • NHS – I can only say good things about it….

    So, here I am recovering from my broken foot. At the end of last week I had to go to hospital to have the cast removed, another x-ray and see another doctor to find out whether things were getting better or worse. With all the bad things you hear about the NHS in the media,…

  • Bereavement, and why I don't know what to say

    I just this minute heard from an acquaintance that someone close to him died. I don’t know him that well, I’ve never met or spoken to him, just worked on some computer things with him. Yet the minute I read the message I was in mental turmoil. I never have felt comfortable hearing someone say…

  • Happy Birthday to me! (30 today)

    Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear me, happy birthday to me [claping, cheering, blowing out an inferno of 30 candles]. Wow, I’m so lucky. I’m 30 and have already achieved so many of my goals that there’s little left to make me happier. Perhaps that’s because I have realistic goals…