Category: Business
The Boughton 10k went well
The Boughton 10K went very well. We had 355 people enter (312 turned up and completed) the 10K and 142 in the Fun Run. 2 Years before, there were around 215 runners in the 10K, and last year there were over 400. The big leap came from the run being selected as a “Kent Championship”…
To Ad, or not to Ad, that is the question
I’ve been approached by two companies this week wanting to advertise on my blog. Hmmm, confused I am. Can’t really tell if it is random spam they are sending or if there really is something on this site that’s attracting millions of potential customers for someone. (Well, I doubt it’s millions because I have logs…
When business systems go bad…
It happens to the best of organisations, so please don’t think I’m being unfair by writing this. No matter how big or organised your business gets some thing will go wrong. This month (year?) it’s the turn of Dell. Our story begins back in July of last year. I took my new Dell laptop travelling…