Author: sroot
A Small Business Payroll Solution – how and why I moved our payroll process from an accounting firm to do it ourselves using ‘Software as a Service’
My apologies in advance for the grammar and sentence structure. I haven’t blogged for ages but having just overhauled my small business payroll solution and procedures this post will help me remember what, why and how I did things and also may help someone else going through the same steps. Starting point: My small business…
How many 1st class stamps to use on heavy letters?
In our office, we buy Royal Mail stamps in ready to use denominations of “1st Class”, “2nd Class”, “Large 1st Class” and “Large 2nd Class”. However, these are only useful for 100g weight letters. For heavy letters, we can use multiples of these stamps. I noticed I was routinely having to do the calculation in…
Google Chrome ” Failed – Network Error.” on downloading files greater than 5MB (ish) – solution for me = Disable QUIC
For the last few weeks I’ve had trouble downloading from Google Photos files. It only happened on large files; videos & zip files of multiple images. The problem only affected Chrome – the files would download fine using Firefox. For single images the download would work so I decided it must be something related to…