Author: sroot

  • Windows to Mac continued

    Where did that month go! It seems only 2 weeks ago I was opening the box of my new macbook pro but it’s actually been a month already. So, what have I learned? Remember how I said how I found it strange the mouse wheel direction had reversed? Well, that’s a new ‘feature’ of OS…

  • Useful Mac Shortcut Key (show desktop)

    Part two of my notes of moving from Windows to Mac – read part 1 here One of the most popular posts in the blog is the shortcut key in windows to ‘show desktop’. I love shortcut keys, but they’re all different on the Mac so I’m having to learn them all over again. Here…

  • Notes from moving from Windows to Mac

    My trusty HP laptop (nx6325 circa 2006) has finally reached retirement. Actually, as a PC it was running fine. It’s processor was expensive for it’s time (a 64bit dual core AMD) and routine improvements (memory to 1.5GB, hard disk to 256Gb, 2 replacement batteries) had extended it’s life nicely. The reason for replacing was the…