Author: sroot
Mac Timemachine backups are NOT complete
How annoying. I’m discovering the hard way that a TimeMachine backup is NOT complete. It’s missing things all over the system. Sure, it has backed up my documents and applications but so far it appears to have missed: /private/etc/hosts (lost some custom DNS settings) Missing symbolic links, fixed by sudo ln -sn /usr/bin/g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.2(Thanks StackOverflow!)…
Calc (Openoffice / Libreoffice) If statements using 'between' or 'and'
It’s always annoyed me when I want to write an if statement where true is based upon more than one fact and I have to nest if statements. Today I looked at lots of other forumulas and found one that let me create an if_between effect. Like “IF a number is between 2000 and 3000…
Gitolite won't let server read repo
A note for my future self. Summary: When adding a new production server to my cap deploy that will clone a repository from my gitolite server, First SSH into the gitolite server so the production server has the gitolite server in it’s trusted hosts file. More detail: A repository on my gitolite server wouldn’t allow…