Month: January 2010
View a Multi page tiff file in windows
I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while. Many people we send images files to don’t know how to view beyond the first page of a multi page tiff file in Windows XP (probably Vista, I haven’t tried). If you open a multi page tif using ‘Windows Picture and Fax viewer’ (the default…
Kent Challenge Team (1994 promotional video – have I aged much?)
An old friend on facebook asked if anyone still had the Kent Challenge Team (KCT) promotional video so Rhonda found our copy and we’ve uploaded it. Happy memories flood back 🙂
Our Sydney holiday photo (after a little CGI…)
In June 2004 we went on holiday to Australia. The photos were shared on my web site, crafted hand coded pages in the days before I used movable-type to blog. One day, I may move them into the main blog but for now they still live in their own little folder at Amongst the…