Month: January 2007
Plagiarism is the greatest form of flattery. I guess I've been flattered then?
It is said that “Plagiarism is the greatest form of flattery”. So in some ways I feel quite honored that some of the things I have written for my company website have been copied by other companies to use verbatim. For little sections of text, a particular way of saying things perhaps, I can understand.…
I've done something amazing
I’ve given blood 10 times. I’m not exactly a record breaking donor. I started giving blood when I was around 18 when the National Blood Service used to collect blood in the canteen. When I started the business it was always hard making the time. The last few years have seen me going more consistently.…
Jonathon Livingston Seagull (Richard Bach)
Some 15 years ago I read a book which I thoroughly enjoyed. Last month I saw it for sale in a book shop (still in print!) and I had to buy it for some friends for Christmas. I also had to read it again before I gave it to them and surprised myself just how…