Phases of Life

I half mentioned before (my post about secret lives) how I’m finding that life goes in phases. For example, at the moment I am (once again) in my book reading phase. I’ve been devouring hundreds of pages a night in an effort to sleep (I’m also in my not sleeping phase, which, I remember having both phases in my teens).

Last summer I had a running phase which stopped almost completely over Christmas but for which I felt the urge to start again last week (a 20 minute run was a killer!). I’m also back in an ATC Phase (I was an Air Cadet, now I’m at the local Air Cadet squadron as an instructor), I’m missing my Cycling phase (in my late teens I used to cycle miles, especially at weekends). My guitar phase is ongoing though without lessons and without having written any new songs.

There’s another phase which I’ve been in for many years which I feel is about to end, at the same time I’m finding others are trying to start (hey, one day I will learn how to program in Java and write that game I’ve always wanted too).

I’ve only noticed these phases as I’ve got older. When younger I guess I didn’t know any different. “Plus a Change, Plus C’est La Mme Chose” – remembering my French phase.

Note to self: I’m sure this post isn’t very good English – even though the google spell check was happy. Perhaps I’m finally getting sleepy.


4 responses to “Phases of Life”

  1. Huimin Wang

    Hopefully you are fast sleeping with lovely dream or dreams now.
    That’s cool and everyone has kinds of phases in their life time. Me too. Now I am in my nothing-special-wanna-do phase and probably my nostalgia phase will be on its way even though I am not that old enough to have that privilege.
    Kent, oh, yes, reminds me of my lovely time there. I was in Canterbury three years ago this time and lived in a place there New Dover Road and once went to Margate, Folkstone… I am dreaming to go back one day… then my new-life-in-the-UK phase will start again…

  2. Thanks for taking the time to comment, it’s nice to know others are interested enough to read the things I’ve written. Perhaps I/we can invent a new proverb – “May your current phase be happy and your future phases be happier still”, and I hope that applies to you whether you make it back to Canterbury/UK phase or not.

  3. Huimin Wang

    Thank you!
    We(maybe only me)always miss what we have lost but care not what we have. I sometimes guess if one day I am in the UK, will I be happy or as happy as I am expecting now? Anyway, let it be.
    By the way, do you write something about other topics? Where can I find them?
    Have a nice day!

  4. I find myself revisiting old hobbies and as you put it (life) phases. Is it a thing men go through? The important thing is to continue to find new things to add so there are more phases to go back to or life becomes too boring 🙂

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