If it's quiet here – I'm busy!

If it seems rather quiet on these pages lately it’s simply because I’ve been busy doing other things. Things like getting electronic data from suppliers and working out the code to reformat their data into something my systems will read. Things like the boughton 10 run which not only have “Roots” agreed to sponsor, we sort of ended up helping with the administration and processing of the ‘somewhere near’ 600 expected entries.

I am still here, and will eventually finish off the half done posts currently hidden from your view. I may even get round to fixing some of the CSS display bugs I’ve noticed.

Oh well, back to work.

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  • birthday.sroot.eu – Your birthday or other celebration date based on [years on other planets] / [how many seconds/days] / [how far you’ve travelled around the sun]
  • stampulator.sroot.eu – Calculates the combination and how many 1st, 2nd, large 1st and large 2nd class Royal Mail stamps you need on large envelopes and packets

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